Game 1: campaign match up Chaos Question Warband vs Grey knights Ellipse strike force:
Mission. capture and control
this game was against Curtis long standing chaos marines which had been carving a bloodily path into my territory of re cents and was desperate to stem the tide.... i achieve this with a convincing massacre of his forces. to be fair luck was not with him destroying 2 deep striking units and fluffing key assaults did not help. my luck i would say was average but the new tactics i deployed worked like i charm. this tactic allowed all my units closely supporting each other with the landraider and chimera mobile assault leading the spear head. This way no element was left unsupported allowing me to effect the outcome of a assault for example did not go my way. normally this unit would die horribly lol and shatter my plans due to low model counts. this tactic is still been tested but seems to be working for me.
Game 2 :
Misson: seize ground
Ork vs Grey Knights 1,500 points
this was my first encounter with the orks since their reincarnation in their new codex, and with the model count put down on the table i was scared lol 60 ork boys!!!! his troops out number my army by three times lol oh dear.
here the armies run downs
warboss on bike with klaw and other crazy gear lol
5 bikers with knob
trukk with 12 boyz
looted rhino with 5 knobs
5 looters
5 burners
big mech with kustom field
daemon hunters
grand master
4 terminators
greyknight squad: incinerator x2
greyknights squad: psycannon x2
stormtroopers in chimera with plasma melta
sister of battle: heavy flamer and melta
overview of battle:
well typical ork fashion the ork forces charge head long at my lines and think i did well to contain them, greyknights in cover did surprisingly well against ork boy units as striking first as well as power armour saved them from gruesome deaths and due to fearless they ork lost more of their number than they did in combat causing units to flee. but my army was slowly crumbling under weight of attacks. luckily the ork forces struggled with the raider and its armour 14 and basically ran amok of the ork lines holding the tide at bay allowing me to attack army piece meal an claim objectives, this plus grand master goodness won me the game but getting worried about the random performance of my army.... cnt wait to get my salamander started feel like an horde lol
any way my hand hurts lol
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