Friday, 27 March 2009

Campaign overview and thoughts

Well while I'm sitting in university waiting for my next lectures lol i thought I would share my thoughts on how my first real go at a campaign is going so far.

1.Problems encountered: this is the biggy really i must say i think that i put to much thought and demand on myself for the first campaign for very little return at the moment lol for example all the history and background for the campaign got me really excited but the lack of games that feel they are linked to this story are lacking. this mainly comes down to lack of time or maybe even poor time management from myself that is the cause of this.
also the website that i built i was proud of but now seems under used for the demand of running it as only one other player than myself occasionally looks at the blogs and news and movements of the campaign and I'm struggling to find way to fix this at the moment. to improve this?

her a couple of things i would try to do in my next installment of the campaign lol i know i don't learn:

  • find more players ensuring they are reasonable committed to playing out the campaign and helping out
  • have an end goal time line with grand finale game the leave people remembering
  • clear and simple rules for campaign
  • don't get to fancy it can't manage lol

well just typed my thoughts down don't know if anyone even looks at this lol

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Keep up the pace!!!!

after visiting a fellow bloggers blog he gave me a great idea of trying to get my mins painted, by form of a day by day log of completion of a unit mmmm think ill make mine weekly though lol never be abled to post everyday.

so 30 tatical marine salammanders are my aim lol but i have started they are all preped and undercoated even got 5 painted as can be seen above.
also had another game of 40k this wek with my greyknights how suffered a massive defeat due to bad tatics and bad dice rolling lol nice to try a more forgiving force soon.

Friday, 6 March 2009

My hobby is Alive

Well this week i can say that i finally feel gamed managed to get four games in this week which doesn't sound allot but it 4 times the amount i normally achieve lol and with 3 win on loss I'm quite impressed on how my grey knights perform. bellow is a quick run down of the games i played:

Game 1: campaign match up Chaos Question Warband vs Grey knights Ellipse strike force:

Mission. capture and control

this game was against Curtis long standing chaos marines which had been carving a bloodily path into my territory of re cents and was desperate to stem the tide.... i achieve this with a convincing massacre of his forces. to be fair luck was not with him destroying 2 deep striking units and fluffing key assaults did not help. my luck i would say was average but the new tactics i deployed worked like i charm. this tactic allowed all my units closely supporting each other with the landraider and chimera mobile assault leading the spear head. This way no element was left unsupported allowing me to effect the outcome of a assault for example did not go my way. normally this unit would die horribly lol and shatter my plans due to low model counts. this tactic is still been tested but seems to be working for me.

Game 2 :

Misson: seize ground

Ork vs Grey Knights 1,500 points

this was my first encounter with the orks since their reincarnation in their new codex, and with the model count put down on the table i was scared lol 60 ork boys!!!! his troops out number my army by three times lol oh dear.

here the armies run downs


warboss on bike with klaw and other crazy gear lol

5 bikers with knob

trukk with 12 boyz

looted rhino with 5 knobs

5 looters

5 burners

big mech with kustom field

daemon hunters

grand master

4 terminators


greyknight squad: incinerator x2

greyknights squad: psycannon x2

stormtroopers in chimera with plasma melta

sister of battle: heavy flamer and melta

overview of battle:

well typical ork fashion the ork forces charge head long at my lines and think i did well to contain them, greyknights in cover did surprisingly well against ork boy units as striking first as well as power armour saved them from gruesome deaths and due to fearless they ork lost more of their number than they did in combat causing units to flee. but my army was slowly crumbling under weight of attacks. luckily the ork forces struggled with the raider and its armour 14 and basically ran amok of the ork lines holding the tide at bay allowing me to attack army piece meal an claim objectives, this plus grand master goodness won me the game but getting worried about the random performance of my army.... cnt wait to get my salamander started feel like an horde lol

any way my hand hurts lol

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Slow the machine churns ever forward

Well I'm not sticking to my new year plans very well lol but Alas work and university had other ideas and I'm struggling to get time for my hobby. but i have some work finally completed in the form of the Grey Knight terminators with grand master I'm pleased with the way they turned out just wish could of got some better shots,

group shot with crazy flash lol

much better photo if a little dark

my grand master currently my favourite painted model

another pic of the grand master of my force
next on the block chaplain dreadnought which I am quite looking forward to painting and plan on having it completed by the end of next week fingers crossed. also hoping to get a game in the campaign next week planned as the imperials desperately need to regain some ground.

Saturday, 10 January 2009

Already Beaten?

10/01/09: well so far not good lol ok well got new marine force with my chrimbo money and current building them up into a salamanders force, but taking my time with this one to get them look great and ideal for uses in competitive gaming which i want to start getting into, but first need to dust off last years habits and start getting more games in for practise as well as actually painting and modelling instead of xbox lol. current projects under way are as follows:

  • Salamanders Army construction: two tactical squads built all though waiting for heavy weapons
  • Hellhammer construction for my first Apoco game on wed
  • paint my 1750k daemon hunters for Feb half way completed
  • Start learning 5th ed rules so don't have to refer all the time
  • learn from mistakes more and hone tactics

Not much then lol Oh also had a game on Wed this week with my good old guard drop troops with the addition of a tank, just pulled off the win against Curtis new marines, leman russ rule lol, going to have to write up some kind of battle report laters