Friday, 20 June 2008

Turn 2 of Campaign: The Advance

Imperial movements:

Imperial forces present in valley so far:

task force Alpha ( harakoni 101st alpha & bravo company)

2k task force bravo (harakoni 101st charlie company) 1k


Task force alpha added to task force alpha at the screaming valley and advanced to hex into ruins

Task force bravo reinforced plateau 52 position

Chaos Movments:

1k force moved forward straight down map into mountains

1k force moved forward into the fortifed complex

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Painting update

well here is my latest additon to my harakoni warhawks 101st:

stormtrooper 122nd Company 2nd Squad

Friday, 6 June 2008

Campaign turn 1 complete

Well folks the campaigns under way with the imperial forces making little advances into the valley and quite fitting the chaos forces go for the furo temple lol.

Well this is how I am going to work it, the players will tell me where they next want to move their forces to allow me initiate turn 2 and what they want to do with the new army marker, leave message in the comments for this post and ill update and arrange games and if this works ill adapt to the larger campaign i am planning.

The map so far: