Well new website and a new begining hopefully lol. Well im going to start a mini campaign with curtis for the lost valley campaign to try out the game mechanics for the bigger events later in year and see if this new site layout will work and make it more interactive.
so at the moment the control of the valley looks like this:
During the recent conflict of Fortex prime a retreating regiment of the PDF (21st Prime Rangers) withdrawing for the desert conflict of the north after being ordered to abandon the desert to the traitors and defend key locations along the bordering lands. The Rangers were tasked with defending the wood land region of the east and protect the local Hive Willowmire. On the reach a booby traps where set up along the way to slow the traitors down one of these traps went off prematurely causing massive avalanches in the mountainous region of the north east. This unknowingly revealed a massive man made cave network built many centuries ago.
Legend of the region spoke there would come a time when Fortex prime is in its darkest hour a valley of the ancients would be revealed to the people bestowing a great weapon to defeat the evil that has infected the land.
On hearing reports Inquisitor Carlos Thor believed that a ancient planetary defence weapon was hidden in this valley and could prove useful in defeating the chaos forces, so he ordered small parties to begin scouting the lost valley for and possible weapon sites etc that could be this “great weapon”
At the time of the valleys discovery mass psychic blast echoed over the planet that could not be ignored by the traitor’s sorcerer, believe it a sign from his gods that could not be ignored he set off with a small war host to discover the valleys secrets with his distrustful allies the ork mercenaries and dark eldar pirates…….
Screaming Valley (VP3)
Howling winds gush over this the local mountains creating an eerie sound, more importantly is one of the only areas viable for major airlifts to be carried out
Mission type: Standard mission chart
Advantages: Anyone controlling this area can place one of their markers in any snow plane tile
Control: Uncontested
Infragilis strong hold: (VP4)
This giant fortress built into the very rock of the mountain has stood the test of time and seems to be made of an unbreakable alloy:
Mission: bunker Assault
Advantages: Anyone controlling this area has a firm base of attack into the mountain and does not suffer from having to cross the mountains to the control centre
Control: Uncontested
Plateau 52: (VP5)
This site is the location of an ancient weapon platform used for an unknown weapon of colossal size judging by the size of the raised plateau. But what this position does give is a perfect view of the whole valley.
Mission: Breakthrough
Advantages: Anyone controlling this area can use preliminary bombardment in their games
Imperial guard____________________________________________________________________
Furo temple: (VP3)
This ancient ruined temple seems to the causal glance a worn out ruin. But the temple harbours a dark and terrible power:
Mission: City fight
Advantages: One elite unit in player’s army suffers from black rage: +1 STR +1 INT on the charge but has to always advance to nearest enemy.
Control Centre: (VP 10)
This site is the location of an ancient weapon that all sides are fighting for and will give them, the edge in the campaign:
To be revealed!
Control: Uncontested
Stasis temples: (VP3)
This site is the location of ancient ruins used for an unknown purpose but who ever controls this area has the command of its ancient guardians.
Mission: city fight mission
Anyone controlling this area can use a 10 man unit of necron warriors in their games while in control of tile. Note if brought below half strength in a game they phase out
Control: Uncontested